How To Establish An Authentic Blog
Are you ready to create an authentic blog that resonates with your audience? If so, you need to know a couple of important facts. Blogging isn't just about throwing some text onto a page and crossing your fingers. Sorry! Not so fast! It isn't simply about venting ......
Formulas For Pitching To Bigger Brands
I interviewed Krystel S., the blogger behind ArmyWife101, on my weekly Blab Show RAW BRANDED® TV. Krystel was amazingly generous in sharing her formula for pitching to larger brands. These pitches are the blueprint for connecting with bigger brands to promote their...
Who Is Your Target Audience? How Are You Connecting?
I hosted a Blab on identifying and connecting with your target audience. Several, savvy business experts joined to lend some insight into their marketing strategies. Thank you to the approximately 257 live viewers! Here are a few key takeaways: 1. Niching down is...
5 Tips To Make Your Audience Care About Your Brand
I share five tips to help your target audience care about your brand. One of my essential tips is to make sure that you have a solid product. Without this ingredient, all of your marketing efforts will be in vain. Watch as I explain this further ... and please take...
Personal Brands and Business Owners Share Their Elevator Pitch on Blab
I hosted a Blab to encourage business owners and personal branders to share their elevator pitch. During this networking event, I had the fortune to meet with people who are authentically trying to enhance the world in which we live in. Now, that's RAW BRANDED®! *The...
7 Tips To Make Your Elevator Pitch
With social media platforms and live streaming on the rapid rise, all business owners and personal brands, need to be prepared to properly make that sell—introduce yourself via an elevator pitch. In case you missed it, discover how these savvy entrepreneurs introduce...
5 Ways To Identify and Connect With Your Target Audience
You may have a business or a personal brand, but you may not know who to share it with and how to do so. Just because you built it doesn't mean that they'll come! It's good to know who you'd like to target, but it's even better to understand the ways to connect with...
Why You Still Need Websites & Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
Today, there are endless platforms that you can use to showcase your brand. While you should maintain a presence on the social spaces where your audience frequents, don't forget your hub—your website. People still use websites as a source for reviews about brands (via...
7 Reputation Management Tips For Your Brand
I always say, "If you're not branding yourself, others will brand you for you." This is especially essential when attempting to control your reputation. In this article, I outline 7 reputation management tips to help you steer your brand's image and also cite two...
Introverts: 5 Tips For Branding & Broadcasting
Calling all introverts! Calling all introverts! Despite misconceptions, there is power in being an introvert. Let me briefly breakdown psychologist Carl G. Jung's definition of introvertism and extrovertism and explain how you can utilize your personality trait for...