The Lenovo Yoga and HP Spectre are two of the leading two-in-one laptops out there that are ideal for small business owners, particularly creatives. One minute you could be hammering out the details of a project on your computer, and the next minute, you could flip those nifty computers into a tablet and design something amazing as if you’re working with a paintbrush and paper. I put these two laptops to the test in my recent product review.
What Had Happened Was …
When it comes down to choosing among bigger brands, it often becomes a battle between the brand name, reputation/reviews from others, and then the product itself. Well, I found myself in this interesting position when my trusty laptop suddenly kicked the can, and I was forced to replace it. Of course, the timing was the worst, as is the time in which these things tend to happen. So, off to Best Buy I went … completely reluctant to dish out the cash that I also didn’t have available.
What I Found Was …
You really need to go into the computer buying process with a completely clear vision of how you plan on using the computer, how it will fit into your lifestyle, and your budget. The thing is, after the shiny penny syndrome runs off, you’ll be left with something that really needs to meet your needs. It becomes much more than the brand itself. Interestingly, I gravitated to the bigger brands because I felt as if they were trustworthy based on their reputation. The defining factor became a combination of form, function, and affordability.
Lesson Learned …
The takeaway for all brands is to remember that besides all of the sparkling marketing that we put out there, it is essential to deliver on our brand promise (what we essentially promise consumers at the end of the day). That being said, there is still some hidden magic in wrapping our services and products in pretty little packages. Yes, the psychology is real!
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