How To Find Your Brand Voiceđź“Ł

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Gary Vaynerchuk, Marie Forleo, and Amy Porterfield all have something in common … Figured it out?? I’ll tell you. They each have a unique voice! The wonderful thing about building a brand is that you can become easily recognizable in so many different ways. One of those ways is by having a unique tone of voice.

When you utilize your real voice in your branding, you’re showing the world that you are not a robot! You are not a marketing ploy! In fact, you’re a real person with your own unique style and approach to doing business. This is what allows you to be deeply heard by your ideal audience. Oh, by the way, I am flagging your ideal audience because not everything is for everybody.

Case In Point

A friend and I were chit chatting about Gary Vee. I mentioned how I binge watched his YouTube videos for inspiration. My friend completely balked at the thought, mentioning how he felt that Gary rubbed him the wrong way. He didn’t like his direct tone and f-bombing. Funny, I didn’t view Gary in the same way. Yeeeeett, we’re both die-hard lovers of brand building.

Need another example?

Ever jumped into Facebook groups and noticed how each person’s post sets a different tone—either memorable or forgettable. The posts that garner lengthy responses and cheers of, “Oh yeah!,” “Love this!,” and “That’s me!,” are the ones by people who have figured it out. They have skillfully crafted their messages to fit who they are as a brand.

You see. Once again, not everyone is for everybody. The trick is to figure out your own signature voice.

Just Note

When you are bringing your voice fully frontal into your branding, you are making the decision to connect with your audience—authentically. This means that the vibe that you’re bringing should really be true to YOU.

Remember, you are creating a brand, so you can stand out among the sea of everybody else and attract your ideal clients and customers. That means, you’re setting real expectations for a business relationship with YOU.

Tune into the video above and book a call with me, so you can stand out in your industry and start getting your ideal clients.


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