3 Major Money Mindset Blocks To Your Business (How To Beat Them)

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Whether you are a new or seasoned entrepreneur, limiting beliefs, namely money mindset blocks, can creep up into your thoughts and hold you back in several ways that you may not realize. Let’s dive into the three major money mindset blocks to your business that are keeping you stuck. Take notes, so we can map this out together and start shifting your mental game into one of abundance.

Block #1: Scarcity Mindset

A scarcity mindset is one of the biggest money mindset blocks to having a successful business. It is the belief that there is a limited amount of money that can be allocated amongst you and your competitors. Specifically, in your mind you may believe that financial success can only be achieved by everyone else … except YOU.

Of course, let’s be realistic and know that there are some people who are in dire financial situations. Those hard-knock life situations are very real and often complicated. We’re speaking about you and the mentality that’s needed to achieve your dream goal of building a profitable business and brand. With this in mind, remember that a scarcity mindset will frame any situation as being inescapable. Often anyone with this clouded mental picture will believe that the only solution to making more money is to overwork one’s self, often leading to burnout.

What’s a more realistic solution?

Definitely have a game plan in place (always!) and take action (any and often!). However, this two-pronged approach will be in vain unless your mind is in the right place. Ever see someone go, go, go at a project that goes nowhere? Ever lower your rates to the point where you feel as if your services are being devalued? Ever shake in your boots at the thought of getting out of your comfort zone? This is exactly what I’m flagging here. The missing ingredient is often the foresight and mental clarity to attract abundance.

One of the essential ways in which you can shift from scarcity and survival to growth and expansion is by meditating and adopting personal mantras. Remember to say these affirmations regardless of your situation at the present moment. It’s okay if you don’t initially believe these statements. Amazingly, your energy will shift and catch up to what you’re speaking into existence. As you continue saying them, you’ll soon become a believer, especially as tangible evidence (ahhh yes, that 3D reality we’re always seeking) starts appearing into your life. A few of my favorites that I recommend are:

  • I am abundant.
  • I have everything that I desire.
  • I can have anything else that I want.
  • I know that money isn’t evil.
  • I love money and money loves me.
  • I know that money is a tool that will help me get more of what I desire.

Block #2: Fear of Failure … Or Success

The other money mindset block that may be holding you back is a fear of failure … or success! With a fear of failure, it may be the trip-up that happens when friends or loved ones are naysayers, making you reconsider your worth and goals. With a fear of success, you may have anxiety about handling more clients than you think you can juggle. Either way, those fears can lead to overwhelm and cause you to become stagnant.

What should you do?

Reality check! You.Will.Fail.Period. You will fail/flail/fumble/fall, especially, when you dear to dream bigger and pursue your dreams. Whether it is big or a small slip-up, failure is inevitable. It is a necessary life lesson that presents us with endless opportunities to move closer towards success. The key is to fail forward! Pick yourself up. Collect the lessons. Take small, calculated risks. Step forward, and move ahead of where you are today! Annnnd don’t forget to celebrate your wins!

Block #3: Perfectionism

Finally, perfectionism is another mental setback. It’s the belief that everything must be crystal clear before you can take action … but then you don’t take any action. It’s a catch 22! It may be the result of your own rigid high standards that leave little room for error. The truth of the matter? No one is perfect, and there is no perfect time to grow a business … other than now.

What can you do?

First, set realistic goals for yourself. Second, recognize the negative self talk that keeps coming up … and quiet it. Once again, this is where daily, positive affirmations come into play. See the list above and adopt them as needed to counter your mental roadblocks. Say them daily and often, so you can be more forgiving of yourself, perfectly.

What To Do Next?

Now, if you:

  • Want greater guidance in combating your negative money mindset
  • Need more help in setting a financial gameplan, where you map out the number of clients and your income goals
  • Are still wondering, “how I can create a business and brand that truly lights up my soul and allows me to naturally attract my soulmate clients?”

Then I want to introduce you to The Product is YOU.


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