Your Story and Your Website: How Does This Work?

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Once upon a time, websites were built as brochureware. Businesses would put everything but the kitchen sink on a site, and with all of that information, it actually made the site useless for audiences. Yes, unfortunate for the end user and tragic for the business owner.

Today, your site should not only allow you to stand out as an owner, but it should also capture your unique message and essence. It should clearly explain how you can help your audience. Your audience should readily feel that your services are the only ones for resolving their problem. Your site should also guide them to where they can begin to alleviate their issue, with you helping them as their guide.

As for your brand story, your narrative also plays a role in this marketing funnel by showing up on key pages of your website. As your potential clients move through your site, your signature story will bubble up in your content, attracting your audience further to you and creating connections with you as the go-to expert. The relationship between your signature story and your website is explained further in this video.

Still scratching your head, in need of a solid brand story that connects with your potential customers/clients? Now is the time to work with me.

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